Dept. of Juvenile
Justice Program
81% of participating
mentees "Successfully
Completed" their Probation requirements in 2022 And have exited the Probation System!
Dept. of Juvenile
Justice Program
70% of all mentees surveyed in 2022 where living in homes without Fathers or male role models. Raised by their Mother, Grandmother, , Auntie. Another 10% were living with a step-farther.
Dept. of Juvenile
Justice Program
96% of our participating mentees who "Successfully Completed" their Probation have NO new charges 6 months into 2023!
Rise Academy School of Science and Technology
2023 Disciplinary Report
- Behavior Issues have decreased sustantially
- Suspensions are down dramatically from 2022

“We are transforming Broward County, One male youth at a time."
Boys are an integral part of society-they are the fathers, teachers, elected officials, activist, scientists, and noblemen of the future. Their destiny is of great benefit to us, their families, and the people around them. Through boys and young males that we get to pass on our heritage, our traditions, our knowledge in their hands, we lay plans.
Men2Boys is a male only (single gender) program to ensure focus, to emphasize seriousness and to create bonds. We are also responding to the growing number of young males that are being raised in fatherless homes. Many of these young males are falling through the cracks at school or are already entangled with the juvenile justice system.
We provide group mentoring for young males, most of who are facing a turbulent transition to manhood and we offer a positive support system to help them avoid the pitfalls that will derail their lives.